We are committed to seeing radical faith and passion for Jesus as a whole church family.

Church Life

The early church grew from a group of believers who were a close community.  Together they devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship and communion.  Together they entered into the presence of God and saw signs, wonders and miracles take place.  Together they extended the Kingdom to a lost and broken world.

Together we will become the people God created us to be and to do the things he has called us to do.


We meet on Sunday mornings, 10:00 for refreshments with the service starting at 10:30.
The service starts with a short time of family worship.
After family worship the kids go out for age appropriate activities. The main service continues with an extended time of worship followed by a talk and then ministry.

On the last Sunday of every month we hold a Revival Night at House of Prayer, Fishergate, NR3 1SE.

Our focus is on being in the presence of God and worshipping Him. This is our highest calling and from this place earth becomes more like Heaven.  The Revival Night has less time restrictions so we have more time to worship and to see God move in power amongst us.


There are a number of Life Groups that run mid week across the city.  Most are geographically based but we also have one specifically for students and those in their 20s

Please get in touch with the leaders for more information or contact info@qlo.awg.mybluehost.me